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Student/Family Handbook

Below is an abbreviated version of the handbook that can be translated into many languages.

Thoreau Mission: To be a collaborative community that encourages individual growth and achievement by focusing on what is best for students.
Thoreau Vision: Students will be confident, engaged, knowledgeable community members, equipped for life-long learning.
Our Values: Work Hard, Be Kind, Be Safe

Office: 425-936-2720
Safe Arrival: 425-936-2721
Fax: 425-814-4986

Office Hours: 8:00 a.m. to 4:15 p.m.
Mascot: Frog
Colors: Green and yellow


Dear Thoreau Students and Families,
Welcome to a new year at Thoreau Elementary! We are excited to partner with you in your student’s elementary school journey. We are so glad to have our students back on campus and know that we are stronger together!

This Student and Family Handbook contains important information regarding school policies, procedures, and guidelines as well as the LWSD Student Rights and Responsibilities. The purpose of this handbook is to outline to our students, families, and staff the expectations for building a strong educational community at Thoreau Elementary where everyone feels safe, included, and can communicate and learn. Having shared expectations, procedures and policies helps us respect the diverse community in which we live, work, and learn every day. We understand this isn’t the most “warm and fuzzy” document to welcome you to school with and hope you will read through it with the lens of knowing we adore our kids and families, and these guidelines are to ensure we are all productively working together with as few bumps along the way as possible. Please join us as we challenge each student to focus on Working Hard, Being Kind, and Being Safe.

In the general information section, you will find answers to many of your school questions. In the Family & Volunteer section you will find copies of our Volunteer Guidelines and information on our Collaborative Code of Respect.

Thank you for working in collaboration with us to create and foster a positive, welcoming, and inclusive school culture and learning environment.

Warm Regards,

Heidi Gilmore

Neil Gerrans
Associate Principal


Collaborative Code of Respect

Family - School Partnership
The purpose of the Thoreau Code of Respect is to provide a common set of behaviors to guide the work of the adults who partner in our students’ education. This includes all adults; certificated and classified staff, parents/guardians, community members and volunteers. We recognize that our school is rich and diverse population of students, families, and staff that deserve to be equitably welcomed and included in the school community. The Code of Respect guides each of us in our interactions in a way that maintains focus on our students and maintains positive relationships among adults.

Thoreau Code of Respect
At Thoreau Elementary, I believe that practicing respectful behavior helps create an equitable, positive, inclusive, and successful learning environment. As an adult, I recognize the importance of modeling the kind of responsible, considerate, and positive behavior we hope to instill in children.

As an adult member of the Thoreau community, I strive to create an atmosphere of respect as I:

  • Share Responsibility for Thoreau: I take ownership for helping Thoreau to be a safe place to learn, work, and volunteer by acting as a considerate team member while adhering to the school’s policies and procedures.
  • Honor the Professional: I demonstrate trust and confidence in the professional expertise of all staff members and acknowledge the various parenting styles within our community believing everyone operates with the best intentions.
  • Collaborate with One Another: I will share ownership of problems not by shifting responsibility or blame, but rather by working collaboratively to resolve issues through respectful interactions and appropriate behavior.
  • Use Positive Communication: I will show respect for the dignity, diversity, and well-being of all adults and students by putting into practice Thoreau’s Top Ten.
  • Model Appropriate Use of Social Media: I recognize that social media is part of society and that it has an impact on others. I commit to using social media in a manner that promotes a positive Thoreau. When I have a concern, I will “go to the source” and engage in a direct, confidential and private conversation about a concern. In order to build a positive, trusting community for our students, the Thoreau staff commits to practicing respectful communication with parents / community members and we value the same from our community.


Thoreau Behavior Expectations

Thoreau is committed to our role as a change agent for more inclusive and equitable educational environments for our children and the adults who serve them. Specifically, we recognize School-wide PBIS as a framework to reduce the use of out-of-school disciplinary practices like suspension. We recognize that PBIS is most effective in reducing educational disparities and disproportionate discipline when it is used with other researched based strategies such as restorative practices, trauma-informed care, and others.

Thoreau Expectations

We use Positive Behavior Intervention Supports (PBIS) to teach expected behaviors and the “Why” behind them. We will be teaching and focusing on the following positive behaviors: Work Hard, Be Kind, and Be Safe. Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) is an evidence-based three-tiered framework for improving and integrating all of the data, systems, and practices affecting student outcomes every day. It is a way to support everyone to create the kind of school where all students are successful. PBIS is a commitment to addressing student behavior through systems change. When it is implemented well, students achieve improved social and academic outcomes, schools experience reduced exclusionary discipline practices, and school personnel feel more effective.

The behaviors listed below each expectation are also evaluated on the school district report card. We explicitly teach, reinforce and model behavior expectations just like we do with academic subjects throughout the year.

Thoreau students are expected to:

Work hard
  • Be attentive and follow directions.
  • Work well independently and use time wisely.
  • Consistently put forth their best effort.
  • Accept feedback and opportunities for improvement.
  • Complete work carefully and on time.
Be Kind
  • Demonstrate respect for personal and community property
  • Demonstrate self-confidence; ask questions; and let needs be known
  • Communicate in a respectful and courteous manner.
  • Cooperate while working in groups; support others and accept differences.
Be Safe
  • Follow school rules and accept responsibility for personal actions.
  • Organize workspace and materials.
  • Behaviors such as harassment, intimidation, and bullying (HIB) are treated seriously. This includes intimidation, bullying, and/or harassment on the phone or internet. Students will be taught strategies for responding to these behaviors and be told to report issues to any staff member, teacher, counselor, or principal. If you believe your child is being bullied or harassed at school, please encourage him or her to tell their teacher or principal or contact the school. Please refer to the Student Behavior Matrix for more information.

Students need to be aware that the behavior expectations are the same and the discipline policy applies when they are:

  • Walking to and from school
  • On the bus
  • Biking to and from school
  • At all school and PTA events
  • On the internet and phone if the learning climate at school is negatively impacted.
Severe Behavior

In the case of disciplinary incidents that are severe in nature such as violence, threats, racial slurs, and/or possession of disruptive, harmful, or illegal items at school, students are subject to immediate action, which may include short or long-term suspension or emergency expulsion in accordance to district rules and regulations. In no situation will any student be allowed to threaten the health, safety, and welfare of fellow students and/or staff members.

Severe inappropriate behavior includes:

              A. Significant classroom/school disruption

              B. Disobedience or disrespect

              C. Physical aggression or stealing

              D. Damaging property

During the first weeks of school, the staff will be teaching students the expectations for behavior and the rules. They will be reviewing these continuously throughout the year. It is important, that parents also review the information in the handbook with students, sign the parent-school behavior agreement form, and return the form to the teacher. This helps all of us work together with students and deliver consistent messages.

Thanks for your help and support in creating and maintaining a positive learning environment.


General Information – Attendance, Arrival, and Dismissal

Absences/Late Arrival
All absences and late arrivals need to be called to the office on the Safe Arrival line that is available 24 hours per day: 425-936-2721.


Arrival and Dismissal
  1. For safety reasons students may not arrive to school before 9:05 a.m. due to lack of adult supervision.
  2. Students are to line up outside the school in their designated class line. Students are not to walk through the building to their class line but to walk around the building to line up.
  3. They may not play on the equipment or enter the school until the bell rings.
  4. When bell rings at 9:15 a.m., students are to enter the building quietly once their teacher has directed them to do so. All students are in their classrooms by 9:20 a.m. to begin work.
  5. Students are released at 3:50 M, T, Th, and Friday and 2:20 on LEAP Wednesdays
  6. When students are dismissed, they are to immediately head to their pick-up area or walk home. They may not play on equipment or “hang out” on campus without a parent or guardian present due to no afterschool supervision.
Early Dismissal from School
  1. In the interest of student learning, please try to schedule student appointments outside of the school day whenever possible.
  2. Students will only be released to an adult who is listed in on their emergency contacts in Skyward.
  3. Students who need to be checked out of school early must be signed out by an adult from the office.
  4. To honor our teachers’ end of the day routines and schedules, students should not be checked out during the final 15 minutes of the day.
  5. Change in Bus Routines

A written note is required from the parent or guardian if there is a change in the normal bus riding routine. The note must be turned into the office at the beginning of the day. An email is permissible but must be sent to both the teacher and office and be sent prior to 2pm (M/T/TH/F) and prior to 12:30 on Wednesday to ensure the communication is received.

Absentee/Tardy Policy

We will write tardy/admit slips beginning at 9:20 am per the wall clocks. Parents must accompany any child that is tardy to sign them in. Students will not be able to go to class without a parent signature. Principal will review a monthly report for absenteeism and tardiness issues.

At 5 tardy/absences or if a teacher has significant concerns, we will contact families explaining the educational impact on the student, teacher, and classmates. When contact has been made, classroom teachers will notify the school counselor and principal.

At five or more tardies or absences a letter will be sent from the principal to parents indicating the continuing problem and mentioning the BECCA requirements for attendance.
If there is not improvement and tardies or absences continue there will be another letter requiring parents to make an appointment with the principal.

If tardiness or absenteeism continues to be an issue, a letter will be sent requesting a meeting with the LWSD BECCA representative, parent, student and principal.

There may be some exceptions to this based on individual student situations and circumstances.

Extended Absence Policy

An absence of 3 or more days is considered an extended absence. If your child is sick just call the office to let them know. If you are planning an extended absence, please visit the school office to fill out a pre-approved absence form at least 2 weeks prior to your child’s extended absence. Family vacations are special times, but we ask that you please consult the school calendar when making your vacation plans. We also understand that some families must travel during school months due to
parents’ work duties, visas, family obligations/emergencies, and more. We cannot duplicate what happens in the classroom, but we will work with you to make your child’s absence as low impact as possible. A remote learning option may be available or assignments that can be completed outside the classroom environment will be accumulated and saved by the teacher for your student. The student will complete them upon their return, at home with parental assistance. Although every effort will be made to see that your child gains the needed learning, teachers are not required to assemble packets for such absences.

The Washington attendance law, the BECCA bill, requires students by law to be in school. This law can apply to elementary school aged students when they are excessively absent even if they are excused. Washington State law requires that all children, from age 8 to 17, attend school. This law also applies to children ages six and seven if the parent enrolls the child in public school. Regular attendance is a major factor in determining a child’s success in school and helping them to perform well academically.


General Information – Communication & Transportation


The following methods give our families up to date information about classroom activities, curriculum and special events:

  • Teacher emails and newsletters (sent electronically, paper copies as needed)
    • ParentSquare is the primary mode of communication between families and their classroom teachers. Lake Washington School District uses the ParentSquare platform to simplify school communications and provide options for families for how they want to receive information (email, text and/or app notifications). You can sign up for parent square and set your communication preferences by visiting Support or questions regarding ParentSquare should be directed to
  • Weekly Update: Frog News (School E-Newsletter)
  • Thoreau website
  • Thoreau PTA website
  • Thoreau Reader Board
LWSD provides bus transportation for those students who live over a mile from their school. Students assigned to ride a bus must ride, not walk to school, for safety issues. Safe walking routes are not designated in neighborhoods for bus riding students. All inquiries and concerns should be addressed to the LWSD transportation department at 425-936- 1120.


Telephone and Messages for Students

Student access to the phones will be limited to short emergency calls only when accompanied by a pass from the teacher. Plans for visiting friends, early dismissal, etc. must be made by families prior to coming to school. If plans change during the day, please call the office and they will get a message to your child. Students do not have access to their cell phones for phone calls or texting during the school day.


General Information – Campus & Safety Information

Entry Control System

LWSD has an entry access control system in all schools to help ensure we know who is in the building. This system allows us to keep all doors locked and use a camera and doorbell system for visitors to gain access to the building.
What to Expect: When you arrive at school during business hours, enter through the main door. Please give your name and purpose of your visit after ringing the doorbell (e.g. I am here to pick up my student, I am volunteering today, I am dropping off something for my student). Upon entering, proceed to the office, present ID, and check in. Please wear your Volunteer ID badge at all times when in the building.

What to Expect from Staff: Staff will review safety expectations periodically throughout the year and will wear identification badges at all times. Staff will escort any adult in the building without an ID badge to the office for check-in. Staff will keep all interior and exterior doors in a locked position at all times and direct traffic to the front door. To accommodate large groups of students and parents, we will create small windows of time with a staff 'greeter' in lieu of the Entry Control System.

Bicycles/Skateboarding/Roller Blades:

 All students may ride their bike to school if they are accompanied by a parent/guardian. Students age 10 and above may ride bicycles to school without a parent/guardian if they have a completed permission form signed by the student and by the parent and returned to the office. Bicycle riders are required to wear a helmet and have a lock for their bikes. Bikes should be walked onto and off campus for pedestrian safety. Skateboards and roller blades are NOT a safe alternative transportation to and from school and are not allowed on campus. Please note that the school assumes no liability for damage and/or theft of bicycles from school property.

They need to follow these guidelines:

  1. Wear a helmet when riding.
  2. Follow community safety and school rules when riding a bike to and from school.
  3. Walk the bike on to and off the school grounds.
  4. Park the bike in the rack and lock it up with a bicycle lock that the student brings from home.
  5. Failure to follow these procedures could result in a student not being allowed to ride a bike to and from school.

Parents/guardians are urged to talk with students about the safest route to and from school. Students must always use the crosswalks to cross the street and walk on the sidewalk. Please refrain from jay walking at all times. Students are expected to follow the school rules coming to school and returning home.

Dogs on Campus
In order to ensure our schools are safe and comfortable for all inhabitants, the district has developed the following requirements regarding dogs:
  • Dogs are not allowed in the school, on school grounds, or in the classroom unless they are serving as a bona-fide service dog.
  • During non-student hours dogs must be leashed and all dog waste removed in accordance with Kirkland City Code11.80.060.
  • King County Code requires that dog bites will be reported to the King County Health Department and the dog may be placed in quarantine for 10 days.
Safety Patrol

 School Safety Patrol students (ages 10 and up) as well as adult crossing guards will be assigned supervision of intersections. Students are expected to use designated crosswalks and obey the safety patrol and crossing guards on duty. Safety Patrol students must be at school by 8:55 a.m. and are done with their duties at 4:05 p.m.

Parking Lot Safety
Car pick-up and drop-off: Drivers should make sure to obey posted speed limits and to watch for students when arriving and leaving school. If you are going to be dropping off or picking up a student(s), only use the DROP-OFF/PICK- UP zone where student patrols will be directing traffic. Do not let students enter or leave the car in any space other than the drop off area, and ALWAYS from the curb side of the vehicle; the safety of students is our primary concern. If students need parent assistance getting out of the car, please park the car. It is unsafe for parents to get out of the car in the drop-off/pick- up zone. Please continue to pull forward as space allows when loading or unloading students to help ease congestion. Remember that you are a role model for students who are watching you.

Street parking is not allowed along the north side of NE 138th Street during pick up and drop off hours. This is a thru lane for drop off and pick up area only. No Parking 8:30-9:30AM and 3:30-4:30PM; Wednesdays 1:45-2:45PM.


General Information – Nutritional & Medical Information

Illness or Injury at School

When children become ill or are injured at school, office personnel immediately contact parent/guardian. The student waits in the health room until the parent/guardian arrives. If the parent/guardian or emergency contact cannot be reached, school personnel do whatever is needed to respond to the needs of the child including calling emergency aid vehicles. It is essential that your student's school has a phone number where you can be contacted during the day and an emergency number in the event you cannot be reached. Families can update their emergency contacts in Skyward Family Access throughout the year through the Student Info tab and request changes link.

If a child is seriously injured at school, the parent/guardians will be called immediately. If parent/guardians cannot be reached, a neighbor or friend listed on the Emergency Card will be contacted. If no one is available, we will use our best judgment about what to do for your child including contacting 911 if needed. Your assistance in providing updated and complete information on the Emergency Card is critical in case of an emergency.


State law (RCW 28A.31.118) states that the attendance of every child is conditional upon the presentation on the child’s first day of attendance either (1) full immunization, (2) the initiation and compliance with the schedule if immunization as required by law OR (3) a certificate of exemption. Students may not be enrolled or attend without this documentation.


Sometimes children need to take prescribed medication during school hours. The district policy requires that the child’s physician complete a Lake Washington School District Medication Authorization form. This form gives explicit instructions for administering the medication. All medication must be in the original container and brought to the office by the parent/guardian. Office personnel and the parent/guardian count the medication before it is left. A daily log of medication administration is also done by office staff. The child may not have in his possession nor may any medication be given unless this procedure is followed. This includes over the counter medication such as aspirin, cough medicine, cough drops, eye drops, topical ointments, etc. A parent or guardian may administer medication to the student at the school whenever needed without the requirement of following this procedure.

Nutrition Services

LWSD’s Nutrition Services Department takes pride in providing nutritious meals to students to support learning each school day. It is the responsibility of parents or guardians to prepay for school meals, provide a meal from home, or complete an annual application establishing eligibility for free or reduced meal benefits.

Under no circumstance do we want a child to go without a meal during the school day. Students will be allowed to debit their school meal account for the purchase of a complete breakfast or lunch when their account shows insufficient funds or when the student does not have sufficient funds in the form of cash or a check. The purchase of a la carte items including second entrees, milk or juice and snacks are strictly prohibited when an account is negative or will become negative due to the charge.

To receive meal assistance benefits for the 2024-25 school year, a new application for free and reduced meals will need to be filled out. We strongly encourage all families who might be eligible for benefits to submit an application. Applications for the 2024-25 school year will be available to complete online application (preferred method), or by manually filling out an application found on the district website,

Head Lice

At initial discovery that the student has live lice or nits at school a parent or guardian will be notified by phone. The parent or guardian may choose whether to have their student stay at school or be picked up before the end of the school day. Students will be allowed to continue to attend the rest of the school day. A lice notification letter without the student name in the event of 4 or more cases will be sent home to the student’s whole class in order to protect privacy. Lake Washington School District’s lice protocol states that students that are identified with live lice or nits (white lice eggs) either at school or from the student’s parent and/or guardian(s) will have to be treated and have no live lice present for the student to return to school. Students must be checked into the front office prior to returning to class and be cleared by district trained staff and/or nurse. A parent/guardian must check their student into the office following their treatment of choice before attending class. They need to stay at school while their student is being checked. It is recommended that all household members be checked. If live lice are present the student will be sent home. If no live lice are present, but there are some remaining nits, the student will be allowed to go to class. The parents will be reminded to continue working on removing any remain nits if there are still nits present. The student will be rechecked by the school nurse in seven to 10 days. If you have any questions about this policy, please contact our school nurse, Samantha Young, at 425-936-2720.

General Information – Academics and School Day

Curriculum and Instruction

For the most up to date information go to

Homework Policy

Purposes of homework:

  • Independent practice/reinforce curriculum
  • Review skills
  • Involve families when appropriate
  • Responsibility/independence/self-direction
  • Reading is something everyone should do every day. We don’t consider assigned reading minutes as homework.
  • Homework on average should not exceed 10 minutes per grade level per night, not including reading time. Exceptions might be studying for a test, working on a long-term project, or accelerated program.
Family Support:

Homework should be completed independently by your student. Please provide homework support for your child in the following ways:

  • Schedule homework time each day that is sufficient for time expected to complete homework for your child’s grade level
  • Provide verbal praise and encouragement for your child
  • Provide prompting to read directions, study examples, and continue working when needed.
  • When it is time to go to bed or if frustration is high, please stop your child, even if homework is not complete. Just make a note on the homework or send an email to the teacher.
  • If your child cannot complete homework alone or cannot complete homework in a reasonable amount of time, please contact your child’s teacher so that concerns can be addressed
  • Check your email, as well as your child’s homework folder, planner or binder daily for information regarding homework
  • Feel free to ask your child’s teacher any clarifying questions or address the need for modifications specific to your child

All students at Thoreau participate in a weekly library program which provides instruction in the use of our library, research skills and the enjoyment of literature. Students may check out books on a weekly basis. The responsible care of books is important. Lost or damaged books will be paid for by families. Intermediate grade students may volunteer their time during recess to help with a variety of jobs necessary to our library. The library is open during many recesses for students to complete homework, read, or work on special projects.


All students are expected to participate in Thoreau’s recess periods. Students well enough to return to school following an absence should be able to go outside for short periods providing they are appropriately dressed. Students returning from an extensive illness or surgery or those under specific doctor’s orders may require a specific plan. Please contact the school office to discuss any specific doctor’s orders or plans that we should be aware of.

Inclement Weather
  • All children should wear coats, hats, and other warm clothing to school during cold and wet weather. If you need help in acquiring these items for your student please contact our school counselor, Jesse Botello , at
  • All children will go outside during recess unless attending STEAMr Lab, library, or other recess group.
  • Following playground expectations, students should try to remain dry and refrain from splashing, sliding, or kicking of water and/or mud, we do not have extra clothes for students who get wet and/or soiled at recess.
General Rules:
  • Instructional Assistants are the adult support on the playground.
  • Students are not to sit or stand on railings, ledges, or column bases. Students are not to sit on top of or jump off any high bars.
  • Sticks, pine cones, and rocks stay on the ground.
  • Students will keep hands, feet, and body to themselves.
  • Students will refrain from rough and dangerous play. Use ropes for jump rope only.
  • Students will treat each other with kindness
  • Balls are to be used on the black-top or field area only. Do not take balls in the bark area.
Big Toy(s) Rules
  • Bark stays on the ground.
  • Go down the slide only when seated and facing forward. Do not climb up slides.
  • Students may not climb on top of the structures
  • One person at a time on the slide
  • Two finger touch for touch football and tag
  • No tackling or slide tackling
  • Do not throw balls at other people
  • Choose teams by counting off or using an ‘A’-‘B’ pattern
  • Covered area is for wall ball.
  • Soft bouncy balls must be used for wall ball. No hard soccer balls or footballs in covered area.
Digging Garden
  • Return tools to bin and use only school provided tools.
  • Share your area
  • Tools are only for digging
  • Don’t throw sand (sand stays on the ground)
  • Leave sand in the digging garden

Report cards

Students receive report cards twice a year in January and June. Student led conferences are held twice a year in October (goal setting) and January (goal progress). Parents/Guardians may request a private conference with the teacher at any time during the year to discuss their child’s performance. Visit the Lake Washington School District website at for more information about this year’s grading periods and conferences.

Interruptions to the School Day

We will not disrupt classrooms after 3:35 p.m. or 2:05 on Wednesdays to notify a teacher or student about a change in the plans for dismissal. We ask that families communicate end of day plans with your student each morning before school to reduce impact on class time, so that class time is rarely impacted with changes. If there is an EMERGENCY in which you have to contact your child about a change in plans for the end of the day, you need to call the office.

Birthday Treats and Invitation Policy

Birthdays are one of the highlights of childhood both for the celebrant and the guest. To respect the feelings of all students, when sending out invitations, we ask that you mail them, hand deliver them to the friends’ homes, or make email or phone invitations. Invitations may not be handed out at school including before/after in line-up unless you are inviting the entire class. You may find the PTA directory helpful with this task since it includes most of our students’ emails, phone numbers, and/or addresses. School emails are intended for school related communication purposes. We are not able to forward personal emails from one family to another family or families. We are also prohibited from sharing email addresses of our Thoreau families unless your teacher has an opt in email list.

Due to health reasons and allergies, birthday treats are not allowed to be sent to school. All classes will recognize the child’s birthday with a non-food item or celebration.

Class Placement

Each spring, the Thoreau staff gives thought to the placement of each child. Family input is welcome by filling out a Student Placement Input Form. Current and future teachers, the counselor, special education team and principal meet and craft class lists that meet the needs of each student, are balanced according to a variety of factors, and meet contractual expectations. A considerable amount of time is devoted to optimizing student learning for every child. Our overall goal is to create a balanced class of students who will work and learn well together. Any change in one child’s placement impacts the balance of multiple classrooms.

Class assignments will be communicated on Meet and Greet Day in August and posted in Skyward Family Access Should you have a concern regarding your child’s assigned teacher, you are invited to address that concern with the teacher and allow the teacher time to respond. If you still wish to request a change of placement, you need request fill out a request form and submit that to the principal. No change of placement requests will be accepted without a form and proper wait time given for adjustment.

Extended Day Program

When school dismisses at the end of the day, the school staff cannot provide supervision for students. Thoreau does not offer child care through our school office. Thoreau does have an Extended Day Program available only to Thoreau students from 6:30 a.m. until 9:05 a.m. and from 3:50 p.m. until 6:30 p.m. This program is run through the school district. For more information please call the LWSD Extended Day program at 425-936-1175.

General Information – What to Bring and Wear

Dress Guidelines

LWSD Student Dress can be found here:
The following guidelines are designed to promote a positive, safe, healthy learning environment:

  • Shoes should be appropriate for running, climbing, and playing on recess equipment, stairs, outdoor terrain, and participating in P.E.
  • Clothing does not promote alcohol, tobacco, drugs, sexist/racist themes, profanity, violence, illegal/dangerous weapons, sexual connotations or gangs.
Personal items at school

Students may bring any tools they need to do their work including an e-reader used appropriately for reading. Students may also bring a ball from home to play with at recess. Ball should be labeled with student name and must follow the expectations for all recess balls: school approved ball (soccer, basketball, four square, tennis, football), must be willing to share the ball, be inclusive of all students. Students assume responsibility for their ball. Thoreau will not replace a lost or damaged ball. No lacrosse, baseball, bouncy balls, or other non-school ball is allowed.

Students may not bring:

  • Toys, dolls, or stuffed animals unless it is a special classroom event and then used under teacher guidelines
  • iPods, other electronic games/toys or devices
  • Any type of trading cards (unless part of a club w/staff advisor)

These items need to be left at home and enjoyed there. If a student brings one of these items to school, he or she will be reminded of the rule and the item will be kept by the teacher or principal. The item will be returned at the end of the day for the student to take home. If the item is brought a second time, it is taken and kept by the teacher or principal until the parent/guardian can pick it up at the school.

Cell Phone and Smart Watch Policy

Cell phones are allowed on campus but must be turned off and left in backpacks during the day. Smart watches are allowed but must be disabled from text/internet and only used as a watch during the day. If students are using a smartwatch as a device including to text, they will be asked to remove it and place it in their backpack for the school day. Devices may be turned on and used only outside of the building before they arrive on campus and after school. Students must use a school phone to contact a parent/guardian during the school day. If you need to get a message to your child regarding a last-minute change in their schedule, please call the office and we will relay the message. Please do not text your child during the school day.

Forgotten items

Classrooms are locked when teachers leave in the afternoon, students may retrieve forgotten items the next school day.

General Information – PTA and Volunteers


Parents are welcome to join the PTA. The PTA website is here with a list of the PTA information and contacts.


Parents/guardians are welcome and encouraged to visit school. Classroom visits need to be planned in advance with the teacher so please schedule an appointment before going to the classroom. For the protection and safety of students, all visitors are required to check in at the school office and wear a visitor’s sticker. Students from another school or state are not allowed to visit classrooms or spend the day at school. Parents/guardians are welcome to join their child for lunch but recess time is reserved for student play. Parents need to check out after lunch when their child goes to recess.


Volunteers enhance opportunities for learning in the classroom by increasing the effectiveness of individual student learning. To ensure the safety of our students, all classroom helpers, field trip chaperones, drivers for off campus activities, and volunteers must complete a volunteer application and be approved. Off campus drivers will have additional insurance forms to complete prior to the field trip. Field trip chaperones must be at least 21 years of age.

Volunteer Application Procedure

All the information you need to volunteer in our district is found on the LWSD website.

Volunteer Guidelines and Expectations:
Volunteers are expected to:

  • Be an approved volunteer
  • Proof of vaccinations or exemption
  • Read the LWSD Volunteer Handbook
  • Sign in and out at the office and always wear an ID badge while on school grounds
  • Show respect for all staff and students
  • Share concerns regarding students with the school staff only
  • If you cannot make your scheduled volunteer time, please call the school so the teacher and students will know you will not be there.
  • Please do not bring younger children to the school during your volunteer hours.
  • For safety reasons the work room is for adults only.
  • Younger siblings may not go on field trips
  • In case of an emergency or scheduled drill, volunteers must follow school emergency procedures.
  • Schedule a meeting outside of your volunteer time to discuss concerns about your child.
  • Please turn off your cell phone while you are volunteering in the classroom and refrain from making personal calls or texting while on the school campus.

Names of approved volunteers may be released to Lake Washington School District PTSAs, upon request, for the purpose of recruiting volunteers or verifying approval status for school activities.

Ground Rules for School District Facilities
  • No smoking or tobacco allowed, including on athletic fields and in district vehicles
  • No weapons allowed
  • No drugs or alcohol allowed
  • Do not use school equipment for personal purposes.
Maintain Student Confidentiality

Volunteers are expected and required to keep all student information that they obtain while working as a volunteer for the district confidential. Federal law strictly prohibits school districts and district volunteers from releasing any student information without parent/guardian permission. Student information includes all academic, medical and personal information. Volunteers cannot take photos of students during their volunteer activities and post them publicly without authorization from the school. Student work, like artwork or papers, is also protected by law and cannot be shared publicly without written permission.
Disclosure of student information by a volunteer is a violation of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA) and may subject the volunteer and the district to civil liability. It is very important that you keep information about students confidential. It is important that you do not discuss students or their progress with others –even their parents. Do not make references to student’s abilities in front of other students. The only person who should be told about a student’s work is their teacher. If parents ask about their student’s progress, suggest in a friendly way that they contact the teacher.